Assessment and Accountability » PUSD's Assessments

PUSD's Assessments

Illuminate Education partners with educators to reach new levels of student performance, empowering teachers with data to serve the whole child. As a result, teachers can visualize each student's progress, determine the right instructional or intervention strategy, and take the best next action, moment-by-moment. More than 17 million students and 5,200 districts and schools across all 50 states rely on Illuminate every day to move the student performance needle.

Additional Assessments

  • California Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
CAST Science
The California Science Test (CAST) Test: California’s new state standards for science call for students to think and work like scientists and engineers—asking questions and learning through hands-on investigation and discovery.  For additional information about the new science tests and sample questions, please visit the CDE’s CAASPP Science Assessment Web page at